
Welcome to this little blog of mine, where i collect a couple 'needfull things', provided to the public without any warranty.
Just to share a couple of things that might be of interest while thriving to survive in the labyrinth of modern it - and having a little fun while doing it;)

egypt - carrier lost


AS8452 - http://bgp.he.net/AS8452

* http://bgp.he.net/AS8452 - HE  has a very comfortable set of diagnostic and view functions - the ipv4 route propagation graph is very usefull to determine the overall impact of the disconnect. (BTW: it `s also a great example of using graphviz ;)

In-Detail report on Extraploit:
* Extraploit : http://extraexploit.blogspot.com/2011/01/egypt-telecom-as-isolation-bgplay-show.html

Fun question: 
The effects when all those routes come up again will surely be interesting, mildly put.

So the question is not if, but "WHAT?" will happen on network infrastructure level:

Replugging 80 billion people with a huge demand for re-established internet-access and the still (uttermost) urgent need to communicate effectively amongst themselfs as well with the outside world (especially after having been disconnected for  a longer while) - this might ) might not be easy.

If you`re interested in the technical details:
Well, for the time beeing, let`s get some popcorn (and possible coffee ;) and keep a close watch on the bgb-routing from/related-to egypt. 

Please see also:

* German:
** http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Aegypten-ist-offline-und-ohne-Mobilfunk-4-Update-1179102.html

* English:
* Routeviews - BGPLAY:  http://bgplay.routeviews.org/

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